Finding & Romancing a Candidate

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Love is in the air! It's the season of hearts, flowers, and spending the day with your loved one or trying to find the "one." The world of recruiting today is much like your typical dating scene. We take the time and effort to find our soulmate and recruiting a candidate is no different. As recruiters, we source hundreds of resumes each day looking for that perfect match. Here are some love lessons on how you can find and romance a candidate:

  • Finding love online. The same way that you use to find that special someone is the same way recruiters use LinkedIn or Ladders to find that perfect match. Love is everywhere and diversified. Using the right site or social network can determine how you find that one. 
  • Speed dating. Ever spent just 5 minutes getting to know someone? Yeah, us too. Recruiters go through hundreds of resumes each day and spend about a minute going over them. We use that time as a brief run down of their history and qualifications. At the end of the round we hope to find that connection to move to the next steps. 
  • Hearts and kisses. Once you have found that match it's your job to keep them happy. You have to spend time romancing your special someone. Recruiters are no different with their candidates. Tell them what to expect on interview day, don't reschedule over and over again, and don't leave them in limbo.
  • Meeting the parents. You've made it this far which means it's time for the next step, meeting the parents or in our case the hiring manager. Your candidate has impressed everyone else so far so now it's time for them to ace the interview. Spend time preparing the candidate for the interview and giving them as much information as possible.
  • The proposal. You've gone through all the steps and the big moment has come. Your candidate has been offered the position! You present them with the "big ring" and hope they say yes, but the job doesn't stop after that. It's now your responsibility to keep your candidate informed, prepare them for the big day, and to always communicate. 

So, maybe you didn't find that special someone today? Keep trying because tomorrow's always a new day! Find new ways to source for candidates and improve on your match-making skills. That perfect match is out there waiting for you! 

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Written By: Mallory Gray


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