Emote Your Brand Through Colors : Holiday Edition

It's the holiday season! Our favorite time of the year to give and receive presents. Did you know that the way we wrap our presents has a psychological effect on the person receiving them? The first thing we notice about any present is its color and what could be inside of it. There are three ways we react to color during the holiday season and every time we look at a brand:

1. Color Symbolism
2. Conscious Association
3. Color Psychology

When a woman see's a "robin blue" box, what is the first thing she thinks of? A Tiffany's box, of course! Or how about when a boy see's the alluring green X on the cover of his brand new X-BOX. All of these colors are consciously associated with a brand or product. We get excited about seeing these colors and shapes because we know it'll be something beautiful or fun inside the box.

Color psychology and symbolism is also present with different cultures. Gifts in China are typically wrapped in red as it is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. In other cultures purple and gold are associated with royalty and luxury. 

Color symbolism can also affect how a person perceive's a gift. For example when a person sees a red gift they could think of it as warm and festive, or when someone sees silver they could think of elegance and sophistication. These colors evoke positive feels and how a person feels about them. The holidays are all about bringing joy and happiness! So, spread joy this holiday season by wrapping your presents in a color that will evoke emotion in your friends and family!

So how do these holiday colors affect my brand?

During the holiday season we see color every where. We see it on presents, store-fronts, malls, trees, houses and just about everywhere! It's important to present a festive spirit during this time to draw in your consumers. Everyone is always trying to find the perfect gifts for the people they love and when you present a cheerful brand with lots of festive colors you catch the eye of these busy shoppers! Check out some tips we recommend on how to brand yourself during the holidays:

1. Use Festive Colors

2. Incorporate a holiday symbol into your logo
3. Introduce a character and tell a story 
(Example- Elf on the Shelf)

4. Launch a Holiday Ad Campaign

5. Create a unique tagline 
(Example- "Happy Honda-Days")

Pan Asia Resources specializes in Brand Outreach. We would love to work with customers on helping them develop their Brand Marketing Strategy and how you brand can be impacted this holiday season. You can reach us at sm_us@panasiagroup.net


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