Recruiting 101: Getting More Responses From Candidates
Finding the perfect candidate can be tough and sometimes time consuming. Whether you recruit IT professionals or construction workers, there is always some difficulty with getting them to respond to your job. So, how do you increase responses and make faster hires? We've come up with some recruitment tips on how to get those difficult candidates to respond!
Trying texting candidates more. This has proven to be a great tool in recruitment these days and can increase candidates responses. Compose a short text that is brief and to the point. Also, include a link to the job so that the candidate knows you are legitimate.
Follow-up, but don't be overbearing. If a candidate does not respond with the first try you can absolutely follow-up and try again. It is important thought not to be too pushy and call them a hundred times over. This will just irritate the candidate and they will not listen to what you have to say. Sending a quick follow-up email over the course of a few days has proven to be the more common route to go.
Timing matters. The times at reach you reach at to candidates can be a huge factor in how quick and often they respond. The best times usually for passive candidates are before or after their work hours. Surprisingly one of the best times to reach a candidate is 6:00 am, when they are first waking up and checking their emails.
Discover what works for you and revise. Every recruiter has a different way of doing things, so it is important to find the strategy that is best for you. Once you find that strategy you will want to revise it as time goes on and you notice things that work better or things that don't. The world of recruiting is always changing and advancing so it is important to change with it.

Pan Asia Resources is a woman-owned firm in Ashburn, VA. Our two core products - Workforce Solutions & Marketing Management, help our customers grow their employee strength & brand visibility.
By: Mallory Gray
By: Mallory Gray
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