Spring Clean Your Social Media Presence

Spring has sprung which mean it's time for you to clean up your social media presence! Social Media is a crucial tool for any company to utilize. Whether you start small with Facebook or go big with LinkedIn any outreach is positive for your business. It is even more important to stay relevant and up to date on all of your social media networks. Here are some tips to get everything in perfect shape.

  • Keep all profile pictures up-to-date. Refresh your logo every once in a while to stay relevant with followers.
  • Update your cover photo with an attractive image that will boost followers. This is key since this is the photo that draws in viewers first.
  • Update your "About" section and make sure all key points are covered.
  • If your business has hours they adhere to, make sure those all updated to the correct times.
  • On Twitter, create lists to organize your followers and industry contacts.
  • Asses what matters to your customers most. Create content they want to see and what will keep them coming back.
  • Clear out old habits that don't work. Implement new social media strategies that work for you and your customers.
  • Research and implement new tools that support your social media presence.
  • Get a verified Twitter account, this shows that Twitter has authenticated you or your business as real.
  • Update all contact methods so that your customers can reach you easily.
  • Rank your social media accounts and decide which one is most beneficial to your goals.

Pan Asia Resources is a woman-owned firm in Ashburn, VA. Our two core products - Workforce Solutions & Marketing Management, help our customers grow their employee strength & brand visibility.

By: Mallory Gray


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