Friday the 13th Marketing Tips: How you can make your customers feel lucky!
It's Friday the 13th and that means a lot of talk about superstitions and unlucky habits. So, what is Friday the 13th and makes it so scary? The superstition around this day came about in the Middle Ages or possibly even earlier than that. The day itself has spun off many superstitious such as, not walking under a ladder or seeing a black cat means bad luck! It's even created some of the biggest horror movies out there. Ever heard of a mask-wearing killer named Jason? Well that's a movie you might have seen named "Friday the 13th." The whole idea around this day has become a culture phenomenon and is constantly dreaded due to a fear of bad luck. So, how do you turn this day into your brand's advantage? We've put together a list of marketing tips on how to bring you some luck on this unlucky day.
- Make Friday the 13th a lucky day for customers. A lot of people focus on the superstitions on this day and how they could bring them bad luck. Use this to bring "good luck" to your customers by promoting a lucky sale or a "you're in luck" ad. There are many ways to show a sign of luck for consumers on Friday the 13th.
- Give 13% off a purchase. Not only can you bring your consumers luck you can also give it symbolic meaning. Give your customers 13% off or even $13 off a purchase if they spend a certain amount. This will bring in more customers while giving it a superstitious feeling.
- Give customers 13 reasons to buy your product/service. Use this day to show off the good sides of your brand and how it will bring the customers joy and luck. You can also take 13 of your products and put them on display or sale.
Check out how some of these big brands used Friday the 13th to their advantage!
So, make sure to have your rabbits foot, horseshoes, and these marketing tips nearby to bring luck to you and your customers on Friday the 13th!

Written By: Mallory Gray
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